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Abundance Grace Gardens

Abundant Grace Garden.jpg

Started in 2011 by a group of First Lutheran members to grow fresh garden vegetables to be donated to the Becker County Food shelf. The objective was to provide a healthy fresh food diet to those who utilize the food shelf. Doing our small part for a healthier community.

ln the first year AGG rented a l0' by 20'garden space in the Community food plot. This size was too small and those involved wanted AGG to AGG was moved to Gary & Jonna Goreham's Maple Hills Orchard where there was a deer fence and a lot more garden space. The garden has grown (no pun intended) to 8,000 square feet.

The planting, weeding, thinning, and harvesting on this large garden is done by an enthusiastic group of First Lutheran Church volunteers (many hands make light work) who are doing God's Work with a great attitude. Many times, the evening gardening chores are completed with a pot luck.

If you would like to get involved with the Abundant Grace Garden, please contact the church office and we will get you in Contact with the leaders; Jim McCormack & Scott-Sonstegard.

First Lutheran Church
912 Lake Avenue, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Phone: 218-847-5656 ~ Fax:  218-847-7009 ~
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