Service in Worship
Jubilate Choir
Traditional choir that sings for the 8:30 AM worship service.
Alleluia Ringers
Bell choir that plays for the 8:30 AM worship service.
Worship Team
Contemporary music band that plays for the 10:45 AM worship service.
Special Musical Messages
Music played by individuals or small groups during either service to enhance the worship experience.
If you are interested in being a part of our music ministry, please contact our Director of Music Ministry, Karen Bimberg.
Worship Assistants​
Read scripture passages during the service.
Communion Assistants
Assist the pastors with the distribution of communion.
Assist worshippers before and during the service.
Greet worshipers as they come to church.
Sound & Video Tech Team
Set up and maintain sound and video for worship.
Altar Guild
Prepares the worship elements of the sanctuary including Holy Communion, paraments and furnishings.